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ADAMS, Bernard (Bernard Paul Fornaro), 1915-2002 : LONDON ILLUSTRATED 1604-1851 : A SURVEY AND INDEX OF TOPOGRAPHICAL BOOKS AND THEIR PLATES. London : Library Association, (1983). First edition : limited to 1,000 numbered copies. The essential reference book for any collector of illustrated books on London – wise, witty, and massively detailed descriptions of over 230 books – and offering far more riches than the somewhat dry title might suggest. £100 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 38975 – or simply click on the button
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AUNGIER, George James, 1808- – editor : CRONIQUES DE LONDON, DEPUIS L’AN 44 HEN. III. JUSQU’À L’AN 17 EDW. III. London : for the Camden Society, 1844. First edition. A transcription of a valuable fourteenth-century manuscript French Chronicle of London, with an extensive introduction and explanatory notes. With a list of members of the Society, etc. Edited by George James Aungier, who was sentenced to transportation for life the following year for forging a cheque in the name of John Gough Nichols of the printing family – indeed the printers of the present work – Nichols testifying at the Old Bailey trial. £20 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 39011 – or simply click on the button
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BARKER, Felix (Richard Felix Raine), 1917-1997 & HYDE, Ralph, 1939-2015 : LONDON AS IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN. London : John Murray (Publishers), (1982). First edition. From the grand to the curious, if not from the bizarre to the preposterous – some of the many architectural projects proposed – but rejected and never built – over a period of four hundred years. An extraordinary, richly illustrated and highly entertaining survey of London as it might have been. Signed on the title-page by the co-author, Ralph Hyde. £25 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 44091 – or simply click on the button
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BATSFORD, Harry, 1880-1951 : LONDON : WORK AND PLAY : A SERIES OF ILLUSTRATIONS. London : B. T. Batsford, (1950). First edition. A delightful evocation of mid-twentieth-century London – eighty-four atmospheric photographs of the essential scenes, chosen from various sources, captioned and introduced by the publisher, Harry Batsford. £50 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45815 – or simply click on the button
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BENEDETTA, Mary : THE STREET MARKETS OF LONDON. London : John Miles, 1936. First edition. An extraordinary evocation of inter-war London – the buzzing street markets described and pictured with stunning photographs by László Moholy-Nagy (1895-1946), the Hungarian master. Petticoat Lane, Leather Lane, Farringdon Street, Strutton Ground, Brixton, North End Road, Choumert Road, Berwick Market, New Cut, Lewisham, Lavender Hill, Rye Lane, Battersea, Hammersmith, Shepherd’s Bush, Club Row, Hildreth Street, East Street, Portobello, Hoxton Street, Chiswick, Ridley Road, Kingston-on-Thames, Caledonian Market, Warwick Street and more, with additional chapters on junk merchants, silver kings, and antique dealers, and photographs too of Billingsgate and Covent Garden. £125 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45406 – or simply click on the button
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BENNETT, Charles (Charles Henry), 1829-1867 : LONDON PEOPLE : SKETCHED FROM LIFE. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1863. First edition. Essays and sketches of Londoners “designed to exhibit faithful delineations of physiognomies characteristic of London people as they appear, not aiming at humorous exaggeration on the one hand or at ideal grace on the other. The faces and figures were drawn from life in every instance”. The Londoners of the law-courts, with judge, jury, attorneys, etc.; the Londoners of the railway excursion; the Londoners of the theatre; the Londoners of Covent Garden Market; the Londoners of a working-class court; and the Londoners of Belgravia. Most of the material originally appeared in the “Cornhill Magazine”, with the text of three of the six essays written by John Hollingshead (1827-1904). £100 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45403 – or simply click on the button
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BLOOM, J. Harvey (James Harvey), 1860-1943 : BYGONE BALHAM AND TOOTING BEC. London : Mitchell Hughes & Clarke, 1926. First edition. History and anecdote relating to the area, nicely illustrated by the author, James Harvey Bloom – parson, antiquary, Shakespearian scholar, and father of the novelist, Ursula Bloom. £30 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45550 – or simply click on the button
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BLOOM, J. Harvey (James Harvey), 1860-1943 : BYGONE STREATHAM. London : Mitchell Hughes & Clarke, 1926. First edition. History and anecdote relating to the area, nicely illustrated by the author, James Harvey Bloom – parson, antiquary, Shakespearian scholar, and father of the novelist, Ursula Bloom. £20 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45551 – or simply click on the button
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BRITTAIN, Vera (Vera Mary), 1893-1970 : ENGLAND’S HOUR. London : Macmillan & Co., [1941]. First edition. Heart-breaking personal essays on aspects of London “bombed, burned and battered”, illustrated with poignant and evocative photographs of the Blitz. £50 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 42260 – or simply click on the button
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BROMLEY, Gordon (Gordon Rushworth), 1910-1988 : LONDON GOES TO WAR – 1939. London : Michael Joseph, (1974). First edition. The first year of the war and London and Londoners are changed forever – The balloons go up, The children leave, The lights go out ... Illustrated throughout with previously unpublished photographs by the cameramen of the weekly magazine “Illustrated”. £15 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 43526 – or simply click on the button
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BROWN, William Haig, 1823-1907 : CHARTERHOUSE PAST AND PRESENT : A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE HOSPITAL FOUNDED IN CHARTERHOUSE BY THOMAS SUTTON, AND MORE PARTICULARLY OF THE SCHOOL BELONGING THERETO ... Godalming : H. Stedman, 1879. First edition. A thorough and well-illustrated history by the Victorian headmaster, with chapters on the founders; the early days; the masters; the schoolmasters; the poor brethren; the removal of the school to Godalming; the lighter hours; the governors; the new statutes, etc. £40 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 43835 – or simply click on the button
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BURKE, Thomas (Sidney Thomas), 1887-1945 : THE REAL EAST END. London : Constable & Co., (1932). First edition. Burke in familiar territory in the dark lanes and byways of East End London – dismissing the stereotypes and pointing up the colour, the people, the river and the commerce – the book brought magnificently to life by the atmospheric lithographs of the bohemian Pearl Binder (1904-1990), later Lady Polly Elwyn-Jones – with sketches from her studio, studies of Aldgate, Wapping, Brick Lane, etc. £200 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45816 – or simply click on the button
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BUTLER, John, 1898-1993 : HOLY TRINITY, UPPER TOOTING : A HISTORY OF THE CHURCH AND PARISH. London : Privately Printed for the Author, 1955. First edition. A presentation copy – tipped in is 2pp signed autograph letter from the author to Canon Addleshaw [George William Outram Addleshaw (1906-1982), later Dean of Chester], presenting the book, noting a couple of misprints and explaining that the frontispiece has been misbound. An attractively produced centenary history by a long-time resident of Tooting and a churchwarden at Holy Trinity. £40 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45754 – or simply click on the button
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CAUNT, George, 1908-1977 : ILFORD’S YESTERDAYS : THE VILLAGE THAT BECAME A TOWN. [Ilford] : Caunt Publishing, (1980). Second edition. An enlarged and augmented version of the original 1963 edition – illustrated sketches of incidents, characters, houses, etc., in Ilford history. £20 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 27914 – or simply click on the button
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CHANCELLOR, E. Beresford (Edwin Beresford), 1868-1937 : THE XVIIITH CENTURY IN LONDON : AN ACCOUNT OF ITS SOCIAL LIFE AND ARTS. London : B. T. Batsford, [1920]. First edition. “This very handsome quarto, which contains a wealth of information, very difficult to acquire, reproduces a series of illustrations even more difficult to get possession of. The subject is divided into eight sections, which include street topography, pleasure resorts, clubs, coffee houses and taverns ... great houses and public buildings, churches, and so on. Its pictures alone are a delight, not least the wonderful photographs of the interiors, and such buildings as remain” (The Graphic, 12th November 1921). £75 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 44694 – or simply click on the button
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CHANCELLOR, E. Beresford (Edwin Beresford), 1868-1937 : THE XVIIITH CENTURY IN LONDON : AN ACCOUNT OF ITS SOCIAL LIFE AND ARTS. London : B. T. Batsford, [1920]. First edition. “This very handsome quarto, which contains a wealth of information, very difficult to acquire, reproduces a series of illustrations even more difficult to get possession of. The subject is divided into eight sections, which include street topography, pleasure resorts, clubs, coffee houses and taverns ... great houses and public buildings, churches, and so on. Its pictures alone are a delight, not least the wonderful photographs of the interiors, and such buildings as remain” (The Graphic, 12th November 1921). £50 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45817 – or simply click on the button
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CHANCELLOR, E. Beresford (Edwin Beresford), 1868-1937 : LOST LONDON : BEING A DESCRIPTION OF LANDMARKS WHICH HAVE DISAPPEARED PICTURED BY J. CROWTHER CIRCA 1879-87 ... [London] : At the Chiswick Press, for Constable & Co. and Houghton Mifflin, 1926. First edition : limited to 1,025 copies. The artist John Crowther was commissioned either side of 1880 by Sir Charles Chadwyck-Healey to make water-colours of London buildings under threat from redevelopment – Beresford Chancellor describes a selection of sixty of them in a circular tour – Chelsea (where Crowther was living in 1881), Westminster, Whitehall, the Strand, the Borough, and home via Stockwell, Vauxhall and Battersea. £40 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 42780 – or simply click on the button
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[CITY OF LONDON : ACT OF PARLIAMENT] : ANNO SEXTO GEORGII III. REGIS. CAP. XXVI. AN ACT FOR THE BETTER PAVING, CLEANSING, AND ENLIGHTENING, THE CITY OF LONDON, AND THE LIBERTIES THEREOF; AND FOR PREVENTING OBSTRUCTIONS AND ANNOYANCES WITHIN THE SAME; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED. London : by Mark Baskett ... and by the Assigns of Robert Baskett, 1766. A long and complex act expressing a determination to get a firm grip on the maintenance of the City, with provisions for proper record-keeping; the employment of non-freemen on necessary works; the publishing of contracts; the exclusion of common councilmen from contracting; the designation of streets to be paved; powers for regulating signage; a time-limit of one hour on wagons standing in the streets; barring barrows from foot pavements; the names of streets to be properly displayed, with (for the first time) “every house, shop, or warehouse ... to be marked or numbered”; rules on water-pipes and pavements; the watering of streets; footways to be cleaned daily; lamps and their placing and maintenance; much on the collection of and payment of rates; tolls and turnpikes, etc. £50 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45195 – or simply click on the button
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CORFIELD, Penelope J. (Penelope Jane), 1944- : VAUXHALL AND THE INVENTION OF THE URBAN PLEASURE GARDENS. London : History & Social Actions Publications, (2008). First edition. An absorbing study of the rise and fall of the greatest of all the urban pleasure gardens – “it was popular; it was brilliantly organised; it was musical; it was entertaining; it had fireworks; it was a meeting place for lovers – it had it all”. £20 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 44203 – or simply click on the button
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CRUIKSHANK, George, 1792-1878 – illustrator : SINKS OF LONDON LAID OPEN : A POCKET COMPANION FOR THE UNINITIATED, TO WHICH IS ADDED A MODERN FLASH DICTIONARY CONTAINING ALL THE CANT WORDS, SLANG TERMS, AND FLASH PHRASES NOW IN VOGUE ... London : J. Duncombe, 1848 [but later]. A late nineteenth-century facsimile of the edition published by John Duncombe (1791-1853) in 1848, although the book itself, as “A Peep into the Holy Land, or, Sinks of London Laid Open”, had first appeared in the 1820s. A classic exposé of the dark side of life in the capital – “A True Picture of London Life, Cadging Made Easy, the He-She Man, Doings of the Modern Greeks, Snooking Kens Depicted, the Common Lodging-House Gallants, Lessons to Lovers of Dice, The Gaming Table”, etc. The fascinating “Flash Dictionary” runs to thirty-six pages at the end of the work, followed by a list of the sixty orders of “prime coves” – rum-bubbers, groaners, duffers, twirlers, gammoners, knackers, priggers, gaggers, dragsmen, bloods, and all the rest. £200 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45063 – or simply click on the button
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DAVIES, Philip, 1950- & KEATE, Delcia, 1955- : IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST : LONDON’S CIVIC ARCHITECTURE AT RISK. London : English Heritage, 1995. First edition. An evocative survey of architectural treasures across the Greater London area at risk from disuse and disrepair. £20 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 34663 – or simply click on the button
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DITCHFIELD, P.H. (Peter Hampson), 1854-1930 : LONDON SURVIVALS : A RECORD OF THE OLD BUILDINGS AND ASSOCIATIONS OF THE CITY. London : Methuen & Co., (1914). First edition. A splendidly produced and illustrated survey of “the treasures of beauty and antiquity that still survive in the City of London ... these relics should be seen, sketched, and described before they disappear”. With chapters on the oldest remains, the pre-reformation churches, the Wren churches, the Charterhouse, St. John’s Clerkenwell and Austin Friars, the Inns of Court, City palaces and houses, the City Companies, the London signs, and the river. £100 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45404 – or simply click on the button
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DORAN, John, 1807-1878 : LONDON IN THE JACOBITE TIMES. London : Richard Bentley & Son, 1877. First edition. A lively, anecdotal and detailed history of the Jacobite cause in London from 1714 on into the nineteenth century, but with emphasis on the activities surrounding the momentous events of 1715 and 1745. Compiled by the journalist and historian Dr. John Doran, editor of “Notes and Queries”. SOLD | |
EGAN, Pierce, 1772-1849 : LIFE IN LONDON; OR, THE DAY AND NIGHT SCENES OF JERRY HAWTHORN, ESQ. AND HIS ELEGANT FRIEND CORINTHIAN TOM, ACCOMPANIED BY BOB LOGIC, THE OXONIAN, IN THEIR RAMBLES AND SPREES THROUGH THE METROPOLIS. London : for Sherwood, Neely & Jones, 1821. First edition : the second issue, with the footnote on p.9. Pierce Egan’s roaring and runaway success – racy, slangy, and riotous adventures among the highest of high life and the lowest of low life in Regency London – “In his particular line, he was the greatest man in England” (John Camden Hotten). The sparkling text which took the country by storm as it appeared in instalments between August 1820 and July 1821 is gloriously accompanied by the superb aquatints of the brothers Isaac Robert and George Cruikshank, many depicting recognisable London scenes. £750 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 41001 – or simply click on the button
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ELLIS, Winifred : LONDON – SO HELP ME! London : Macdonald & Co. (Publishers), (1952). First edition. An entertaining account of coming to London – and the perils and pitfalls of railway porters, private hotels, service flatlets, cab-drivers, digs, bed-sitting rooms, gas-rings, and all the hazards that may greet a young woman from the provinces (in this case Liverpool) – “Unless you intend coming in nothing but a fig leaf and a string of beads you will not expect your arrival in London to cause any sensation”. £15 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 44305 – or simply click on the button
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FAULKNER, Thomas, 1777-1855 : AN HISTORICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL ACCOUNT OF FULHAM; INCLUDING THE HAMLET OF HAMMERSMITH. London : for T. Egerton; T. Payne, Becket & Porter, etc. 1813. First edition. An elegant local history, covering in turn the origins, agriculture, botanic gardens, nurseries, manufactories, the canal, rectory, church and chapel, parish registers, benefactions, charity schools, the history, Fulham Palace, the bishops of London, ancient houses, Parsons Green, Walham Green, North End, Hammersmith, Pallenswick, Shepherds Bush, Brook Green, Brandenburgh House, Craven Cottage, etc. £200 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 38420 – or simply click on the button
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FEARNSIDE, William Gray, 1798-1838 – editor : THE HISTORY OF LONDON : ILLUSTRATED BY VIEWS IN LONDON AND WESTMINSTER, ENGRAVED BY JOHN WOODS ... London : Orr & Co.; Simpkin Marshall & Co. & others, 1838. First edition. A discursive history of London, with some out of the way figures on historic prices, etc., the text acting as a vehicle to accompany the splendid steel-engraved plates, engraved by John Woods (fl.1835-1855) and others from the drawings of Thomas Hosmer Shepherd, Hablot Knight Browne (“Phiz”), Robert Garland, John Francis Salmon, Francis William Topham, Edward John Roberts, etc. Alongside views of the well-known buildings – Buckingham Palace, London Bridge, Mansion House, Somerset House, etc., there are some fine street scenes of Cheapside, Leadenhall Street, King William Street, etc., as well as views of the West India Dock, Billingsgate, etc. Originally published in monthly parts from June 1837, the text was continued after Fearnside’s early death by Thomas Harral (1773?-1853). “A most useful visual account of the London scene in the year of Queen Victoria’s accession ... the plates ... are of high quality” (Bernard Adams). £200 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45396 – or simply click on the button
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FLETCHER, Geoffrey (Geoffrey Scowcroft), 1923-2004 : LONDON’S RIVER. London : Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers), (1966). First edition. "A treasure-house for the serendipitist ... the off-beat, the eccentric, even the bizarre" – Fletcher in words and pictures in Greenwich, Deptford, Rotherhithe, Wapping, the Bankside, Battersea Park, Chelsea, the pubs of Hammersmith, Kew, Richmond, etc. £20 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 36315 – or simply click on the button
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GODFREY, Walter H. (Walter Hindes), 1881-1961 : A HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE IN AND AROUND LONDON : ARRANGED TO ILLUSTRATE THE COURSE OF ARCHITECTURE IN ENGLAND UNTIL THE END OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, WITH A LIST OF PRINCIPAL TWENTIETH-CENTURY BUILDINGS. London : Phoenix House, (1962). First edition thus. A wholly revised edition of Godfrey’s classic “A History of Architecture in London” (1911), extending his original text on into the twentieth century and the geographical coverage out to a radius of forty miles from the capital. A richly illustrated history of English architecture as demonstrated in surviving London buildings – “no major building of architectural merit from Norman to our own time is overlooked”. £25 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 21319 – or simply click on the button
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“GONZALES, Don Manoel” : LONDON IN 1731. London : Cassell & Co., 1888. First separate edition. Originally published in 1745 as part of “A Collection of Voyages and Travels”, this engaging account of early eighteenth-century London purports to have been written by a Portuguese traveller. In his introduction, Professor Henry Morley (1822-1894) dismisses that notion – “he writes of London altogether like one to the City born”. But Morley is equally persuaded that the account is not by Daniel Defoe, as has been plausibly claimed – “the clearness of detail upon London commerce, may strengthen the general impression that the description comes rather from a shrewd, clear-headed, and successful merchant than from a man of letters”. In Cassell’s “National Library” series. SOLD | |
GORE, John (John Francis), 1885-1983 : THE GHOSTS OF FLEET STREET. London : Eyre & Spottiswoode, [1928]. First edition. “No part of London has more lanes and courts than Fleet-street, and you cannot make their acquaintance in better informed company than that of Mr Gore. Fleet-street, he reminds you, was the habitation of men 1,500 years before the first house rose in Piccadilly, when Charing was still a village of inns and stables; under Shoe-lane, the first known Roman cemetery was recently unearthed ... while, when we come to the eighteenth century, it would seem that the ghosts of the great men must jostle each other in the narrow courts of famous taverns” (Daily News, 26th April 1928). With delightful illustrations by Joseph Pike (1883-1956) – “It was my privilege to provide a commentary on Mr Joseph Pike’s charming drawings of old Fleet Street landmarks”. £40 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 46206 – or simply click on the button
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GRANT, George : A COMPREHENSIVE HISTORY OF LONDON, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE PRESENT TIME. Dublin : for James M’Glashan, 1849. First edition. A concise and yet wide-ranging history of London – “A distinct view of the moral, municipal, medical, political, and religious state of the British metropolis; a particular account of all the establishments connected with literature and science; public schools and charitable institutions; trade and commerce; public companies, docks, markets, &c., public buildings, national establishments, and other important edifices; exhibition of works of art, and the places of public amusement – in fact everything there is to see, and how it is to be seen, are here fully explained”. SOLD | |
(HACKNEY CARRIAGES) : HACKNEY CARRIAGES : TABLES OF DISTANCES MEASURED BY AUTHORITY OF THE COMMISSIONER OF POLICE OF THE METROPOLIS; AND OF THE COMMISSIONER OF POLICE OF THE CITY OF LONDON; ALSO, MEMORANDUM RELATING TO THE FARES, HIRING, &C., OF HACKNEY CARRIAGES, &C. London : for Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, [1901]. The bulky 1901 issue of the official cab distance tables for the whole of the London area, cross referencing almost every conceivable location – Lord’s Cricket Ground to the Kennington Oval – 4 miles 934 yards; the “Angel” Islington to Putney Station, 7 miles, 592 yards, etc. £50 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 21281 – or simply click on the button
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HARBEN, Henry A. (Henry Andrade), 1849-1910 : A DICTIONARY OF LONDON : BEING NOTES TOPOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL RELATING TO THE STREETS AND PRINCIPAL BUILDINGS IN THE CITY OF LONDON. London : Herbert Jenkins, 1918. First edition. Harben’s extraordinary dictionary of more than 6,000 street and place names in the City of London, their location, the forms and origins of the names, associations, early depictions on maps, etc. Still the essential work. £200 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 43988 – or simply click on the button
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HARE, Augustus J. C. (Augustus John Cuthbert), 1834-1903 : WALKS IN LONDON. London : Daldy, Isbister & Co., 1878. First edition. Entertaining and fact-filled walks around London in the company of the always engaging Augustus Hare: the Strand; the Inns of Court; Fleet Street; St. Paul’s; Smithfield, Clerkenwell, Canonbury; Cheapside; Aldersgate and Cripplegate; Bishopsgate; the City; the Tower; Thames Street; London Bridge and Southwark; Trafalgar Square; the West End; Regent Street; Regent’s Park; Oxford Street; Whitehall; Westminster Abbey; Westminster; Chelsea; Lambeth; Kensington, etc. SOLD | |
HARRIS, John, 1756-1846 – publisher : THE PUBLIC BUILDINGS OF THE CITY OF LONDON DESCRIBED. London : John Harris, 1831. First edition. A charming illustrated pocket volume in the Harris “Little Library” series of familiar introductions to “various branches of useful knowledge”, intended, like most of the Harris output, for younger readers. Alongside the more familiar city landmarks – St. Paul’s, the Tower, the Royal Exchange, etc. – there is material on St. Paul’s School, Farringdon Market, Smithfield, the Docks, Wapping, the Thames Tunnel, etc. £100 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45402 – or simply click on the button
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HARRISSON, Tom, 1911-1976 : LIVING THROUGH THE BLITZ. London : William Collins, Sons & Co., 1976. First edition. An account of the Blitz and those who endured it – in London, Coventry, the southern ports and the northern towns – compiled from contemporary reports, diaries and the Mass-Observation archive. £20 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 27779 – or simply click on the button
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HEAL, Sir Ambrose, 1872-1959 : THE LONDON GOLDSMITHS 1200-1800 : A RECORD OF THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF THE CRAFTSMEN, THEIR SHOP SIGNS AND TRADE CARDS. London : Cambridge University Press, 1935. First edition. Heal’s monumental study – with sections on goldsmiths, bankers and pawnbrokers; eminent London goldsmiths; Samuel Pepys and his goldsmiths; a list of known trade-cards; marks, shop-signs and emblems; and a directory of goldsmiths, jewellers, bankers and pawnbrokers. £200 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 37992 – or simply click on the button
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HOWELL, James, 1594?-1666 : LONDINOPOLIS; AN HISTORICALL DISCOURSE OR PERLUSTRATION OF THE CITY OF LONDON, THE IMPERIAL CHAMBER, AND CHIEF EMPORIUM OF GREAT BRITAIN ... London : by J. Streater, for Henry Twiford, George Sawbridge, Thomas Dring, and John Place, 1657. First edition. One of the earliest printed histories of London, second only to the early editions of Stow in terms of chronology. Compiled by the versatile and engaging Welsh author, royalist, politician and traveller, James Howell, after his release from a lengthy imprisonment at the time of the Interregnum. With accounts of St. Paul’s and the other ancient churches; the individual wards and precincts; the governance of the City; the walls, streets, gates and prisons; the Inns of Court; the twelve great livery companies; the company halls; the Tower, the Royal Exchange, the Guildhall and other prominent buildings; the Thames; London Bridge; the mayoralty; the city of Westminster and the Abbey; the Strand; Covent Garden; Lincoln’s Inn; Westminster Hall; Parliament, the Admiralty, etc. £1,000 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 44166 – or simply click on the button
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HOWITT, William, 1792-1879 : THE NORTHERN HEIGHTS OF LONDON : OR HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIONS OF HAMPSTEAD, HIGHGATE, MUSWELL HILL, HORNSEY, AND ISLINGTON. London : Longmans, Green & Co., 1869. First edition. An attractive and discursive social history, with much material on local writers and artists – Hampstead, Highgate and Islington – with good material also on Belsize, Canonbury, Frognal, Highbury, Hornsey, Kilburn Priory, Muswell Hill, Newington Green, Primrose Hill, the Wells and Spas, etc. £100 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45416 – or simply click on the button
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HUDSON, W.H. (William Henry), 1841-1922 : BIRDS IN LONDON. London : Longmans, Green, & Co., 1898. First edition : in the secondary binding and with the inserted catalogue dated January 1903. A wide-ranging and attractively illustrated survey of the remarkably varied bird-life of the capital from the master naturalist, with much on individual birds, individual areas of London, adaptive behaviour, occasional visitors, the cat problem, rookeries, suggestions for introduction, a bibliography, etc. £100 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 40028 – or simply click on the button
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LINEBAUGH, Peter, 1942- : THE LONDON HANGED : CRIME AND CIVIL SOCIETY IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. London : Allen Lane, The Penguin Press, (1991). First edition. A fine and detailed study of poverty, community and society in the shadow of the gallows in eighteenth-century London. £25 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 28517 – or simply click on the button
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LLOYD, John H. (John Henry), 1830-1910 : THE HISTORY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND ANTIQUITIES OF HIGHGATE, IN THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX; WITH NOTES ON THE SURROUNDING NEIGHBOURHOOD OF HORNSEY, CROUCH END, MUSWELL HILL, ETC. London : Printed by Subscription, 1888. First and sole edition : limited to an unspecified number of numbered copies. A handsome local history, compiled by a local wine-merchant of Green Bank, Merton Lane, who was also a long-serving secretary of the Highgate Literary and Scientific Institution. Contains separate sections on the churches, the houses, gossip, customs, etc., as well as a survey of the “Highgate of Today”, notes on fossils found in the Archway cutting, etc. The “notes” on the surrounding areas are in fact extensive. £150 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 19010 – or simply click on the button
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MACBRIDE, Mackenzie (Charles Mackenzie), 1861-1933 : LONDON’S DIALECT : AN ANCIENT FORM OF ENGLISH SPEECH. London : Priory Press, 1910. First edition. Beginning as a spirited defence of the much derided Cockney dialect (in fact the first standard and the first written English), MacBride goes on to explore its origins and then the importance of dialects in general, with much on the dialects of other parts of the country. £15 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 43451 – or simply click on the button
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MACINNES, Colin (Colin Campbell), 1914-1976 : VISIONS OF LONDON : CITY OF SPADES : ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS : MR LOVE AND JUSTICE. London : MacGibbon & Kee, (1969). First collected edition of the celebrated London trilogy – the powerful MacInnes novels originally published separately between 1957 and 1960, and treating in full-on fashion the social phenomena of the era – the first wave of black immigration, the emergence of the teenager as an economic entity, and the eternal trinity of prostitutes, ponces and policemen – “themes of which no other contemporary novelist has yet shown himself properly aware ... No responsible novelist before Mr MacInnes had taken the trouble to find out” (from the introduction by Francis Wyndham). £50 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 46259 – or simply click on the button
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MADGETT, Kenneth C.J., 1920-1988 : A HISTORY OF 75 YEARS OF ST. GEORGE’S AND 50 YEARS OF ST. GEORGE & ST. ETHELBERT’S CHURCH EAST HAM. London : Parochial Church Council of St. George & St. Ethelbert, 1987. First edition. An illustrated jubilee history. £20 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 27908 – or simply click on the button
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“MARS” – [BONVOISIN, Maurice Charles, 1849-1912] : LA VIE DE LONDRES : CÔTÉS RIANTS. Paris : E. Plon, Nourrit & Cie., [1894]. First edition. The lighter side of London life and fashion as seen by the popular and irrepressible Belgian caricaturist – Charing Cross Station, lunch-hour on the Strand, Royal Ascot, Hyde Park and Rotten Row, Kensington, Piccadilly Circus, the Lowther Arcade, Piccadilly and Park Lane, Henley, the Music-Hall, Christmas parties, Kensington Gardens, Maidenhead, and so much more – sketches, studies and wry observation. £200 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 40849 – or simply click on the button
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MERRIFIELD, Ralph, 1913-1995 : LONDON : CITY OF THE ROMANS. London : B. T. Batsford, (1983). First edition. A masterly and fully illustrated study of the history and remains of Roman London from “the father of London’s modern archaeology”. Chapters on London before the Roman Conquest; the Claudian Invasion; the first Londinium; its transformation; its heyday; the hinterland; Londinium in the Antonine and Severan Periods; Londinium in the Third Century; the Fourth; from Londinium to London, etc. £25 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 43649 – or simply click on the button
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[MILE END : ACT OF PARLIAMENT] : ANNO DECIMO SEPTIMO GEORGII III. REGIS. CAP. LXVI. AN ACT FOR ESTABLISHING A NIGHTLY WATCH WITHIN THE HAMLET OF MILE-END OLD TOWN, IN THE PARISH OF SAINT DUNSTAN STEPNEY, OTHERWISE STEBONHEATH, IN THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX. London : by Charles Eyre and William Strahan, 1777. “Whereas the hamlet ... is very populous, and increasing in buildings and inhabitants, and by reason of its contiguity to the metropolis, the roads and ways within the same are much frequented and used in the night-time by travellers, as well as by persons residing in them, who ... are exposed to robberies, burglaries, and other offences, which are frequently committed there”. Covers the appointment of trustees and officers, the engaging of watchmen and constables, their duties, the financing of the proposals through rates, etc. £30 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45943 – or simply click on the button
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NORTHEAST, Christine H. : THE CRYSTAL PALACE PARK OF 1854 : A GUIDED TOUR. Cambridge : By the author, (1979). First edition. A guided tour with twenty-eight stopping places from Crystal Palace Station to Rockhills – the great urban park fully explored. £20 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 44423 – or simply click on the button
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PARSONS, F.G. (Frederick Gymer), 1863-1943 : THE EARLIER INHABITANTS OF LONDON. London : Cecil Palmer, (1927). First edition. An anatomist brings thirty years’ experience of physical anthropology to a study of the mental and physical characteristics of early Londoners and their descendants, with perhaps even the evolution of a new head form. With chapters on the Palæolithic and Neolithic; the Beaker Folk; the Coming of the Celt; Caesar and London; London under the Roman; Picts, Scots and Saxons; Saxon London; London and the Danes, etc. £25 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45822 – or simply click on the button
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PARSONS, Thomas, 1838-1926 : THE CHRONICLES OF CLAPHAM (CLAPHAM COMMON) : BEING A SELECTION FROM THE REMINISCENCES OF THOMAS PARSONS, SOMETIME MEMBER OF THE CLAPHAM ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY; TOGETHER WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS FROM DRAWINGS & PHOTOGRAPHS, AND AN INTRODUCTION & SUNDRY ADDITIONS IN THE FORM OF APPENDICES BY J. H. MICHAEL BURGESS. F.R.G.S. London : privately printed by A. V. Huckle & Son, The Ramsden Press, (1929). First edition. A well-illustrated and very attractively produced tour of Clapham and its older houses, former residents, etc., with appendices including material on the Windmill Inn, sports and pastimes – cricket, golf, etc., the ponds, the flora and fauna, the geology, fossils, the wells, etc. Neatly inserted is a single page typed letter on headed notepaper, signed by the editor J. H. Michael Burgess, thanking the recipient for ordering a copy of the book, etc. £125 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45552 – or simply click on the button
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PENNANT, Thomas, 1726-1798 : THE HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF LONDON. London : for J. Coxhead, 1813. A slightly revised and fully illustrated version of Pennant’s “Some Account of London”, originally published in 1790 – a popular London history compiled by the Welsh naturalist and traveller – “much more palatable than the usual antiquarian stodge” (Adams). Pennant’s discursive approach, “composed from the observations of perhaps half my life”, takes in a variety of topics, including antiquities, archery, bagnios, breweries, burials, coffins, duels, fires, wines and much else. SOLD | |
PEVSNER, Nikolaus (Sir Nikolaus Bernhard), 1902-1983 : MIDDLESEX. London : Penguin Books, (1951). First edition : the wrappers issue. Pevsner incisive on the merits and demerits of the built heritage of the much abused county. In the celebrated “Buildings of England” series. £20 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 34382 – or simply click on the button
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PHILLIPS, Hugh, 1886-1972 : MID-GEORGIAN LONDON : A TOPOGRAPHICAL AND SOCIAL SURVEY OF CENTRAL AND WESTERN LONDON ABOUT 1750. London : Colllins, 1964. First edition. The culmination of Phillips’ extraordinary thirty-year trawl through the parish rate books, the land register, the crown lease book, the licensing records, the insurance documents and the early poll books – building up to more or less a house-by-house reconstruction of large parts of the eighteenth century West End – Berkeley Square, Cavendish Square, Charing Cross, Covent Garden, Hanover Square, Holborn, Leicester Square, Red Lion Square, St. James, St. Martin’s Lane, Soho Square, the Strand, etc. £200 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45394 – or simply click on the button
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PHILLIPS, Hugh, 1886-1972 : THE THAMES ABOUT 1750. London : Collins, 1951. First edition. A magisterial and copiously illustrated survey of the topographical and social history of the London river-front in the mid-eighteenth century. The area covered runs from Woolwich round to Hampton Court via the City and Westminster. £50 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45395 – or simply click on the button
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PHILLIPS, J.F.C. (John Francis Charles), 1943-1996 : SHEPHERD’S LONDON. London : Cassell & Co., (1976). First edition. A study of Thomas Hosmer Shepherd (1793-1864) and his family – and their contribution to the recording of the London landscape of the nineteenth century. £30 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 27304 – or simply click on the button
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PHILLIPS-BIRT, Douglas (Douglas Hextall Chedzey), 1920-1978 : THE CUMBERLAND FLEET : TWO HUNDRED YEARS OF YACHTING 1775-1975. London : Royal Thames Yacht Club, (1978). First edition. A handsomely illustrated history of the Royal Thames Yacht Club, first instituted when the Duke of Cumberland presented a cup in 1775. With much passing reference to the America’s Cup, the Channel Match, the New York Yacht Club, the Royal Yacht Squadron, etc. £25 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 39142 – or simply click on the button
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PIPER, David (Sir David Towry), 1918-1990 : ARTISTS’ LONDON. New York : Oxford University Press 1982. First American edition. A most attractive study – a richly illustrated survey of London as seen by the great artists down the ages. £25 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 21323 – or simply click on the button
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[PRICE, John Edward, 1839-1892] : THE WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF NEEDLEMAKERS OF THE CITY OF LONDON. WITH A LIST OF THE COURT OF ASSISTANTS AND LIVERY. London : Privately Published, 1876. First edition. An attractively produced history of the company from its sixteenth-century origins and its incorporation in the seventeenth century, together with names and addresses of the livery in 1876. £50 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 21286 – or simply click on the button
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RAYBOULD, Walter, 1864-1912 : LONDON BELLS : AND WHAT THEY TELL US. London : Blackie & Son, 1911. First edition. A delightful book about London for children – not just Oranges and Lemons and other nursery rhymes, but the origins of the city, the Romans, Boadicea, Saxon London, the Danes, Westminster Abbey, the Thames, London Bridge, the Tower, the Great Fire, St. Paul’s, London children, St. James’s Park, the Crystal Palace, the Zoo, Covent Garden, the docks, and London servants. With colour plates by Wilfrid Ball, W. L. Wyllie, Frank Brangwyn, Samuel Scott, Stanhope Forbes, Vicat Cole, and others, as well as numerous illustrations, some full-page, in the text. £40 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 44103 – or simply click on the button
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[RICHMOND, SURREY : ACT OF PARLIAMENT] : ANNO DUODECIMO GEORGII. REGIS. CAP. XXXV. AN ACT FOR ENABLING THEIR MAJESTIES TO ENFRANCHISE COPYHOLD LANDS HOLDEN OF THE MANOR OF RICHMOND, IN THE COUNTY OF SURREY, AND FOR ENABLING HIS MAJESTY TO SHUT UP A LANE LEADING FROM RICHMOND GREEN TO THE RIVER THAMES, AND TO SELL AND EXCHANGE CERTAIN LANDS WITHIN THE MANORS OF RICHMOND AND WIMBLETON. London : by Charles Eyre and William Strahan, 1772. An act relating to some parcels of land in Wimbledon and West Shene, as well as enabling the closing off of a footpath leading to the Thames from “the house now in the occupation of Lewis Shepheard wine-merchant, near Richmond Green”, for which in return the King would pay to have Palace Lane “to be well and sufficiently amended and made commodious” and to add a towpath from there to “two ferries belonging to his Majesty, one called Railhead Ferry, and the other Isleworth Church Ferry”. £25 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45950 – or simply click on the button
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ROBERTS, W.J. (William James) : SOME OLD LONDON MEMORIALS. London : T. Werner Laurie, [1907]. First edition. A charming pocket companion – author and reader in search of out-of-the-way fragments of antiquity across London – the things we generally miss – “Some of them will be known to you, others will not be familiar, because, being trifling, they are often overlooked”. Delightfully illustrated with the author’s own photographs. £50 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45796 – or simply click on the button
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ROBERTSON, E. Arnot (Eileen Arbuthnot), 1903-1961 : THAMES PORTRAIT. London : Ivor Nicholson & Watson, 1937. First Edition. An illustrated, discursive and entertaining journey down the Thames from Lechlade to the sea, by the popular novelist and critic, with atmospheric photographs by her husband H. E. (Sir Henry) Turner. £30 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 42408 – or simply click on the button
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ROWELL, George (George Rignall), 1923-2001 : THE VICTORIAN THEATRE : A SURVEY. London : Oxford University Press, 1956. First edition. A highly-regarded survey of nineteenth-century theatre and drama – in fact covering the period 1792-1914 – with much incidental reference to Harley Granville Barker, Dionysius Lardner Boucicault, Sir William Schwenck Gilbert, Sir John Hare, Sir Henry Irving, Charles Kean, William Charles Macready, Sir Arthur Wing Pinero, James Robinson Planché, Thomas William Robertson, etc. – and much also on the London theatres themselves. £20 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 27174 – or simply click on the button
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ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MONUMENTS (ENGLAND) : AN INVENTORY OF THE HISTORICAL MONUMENTS IN LONDON. VOLUME II. WEST LONDON. EXCLUDING WESTMINSTER ABBEY. London : His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1925. First edition. A general historical introduction followed by an illustrated borough-by-borough inventory of all the known survivals dating from pre-1714. Covers rather more of London than the title might imply – Battersea, Chelsea, Finsbury, Fulham, Hammersmith, Hampstead, Holborn, Islington, Kensington, Lambeth, Paddington, St. Marylebone, St. Pancras, Stoke Newington, Wandsworth and Westminster. With supplementary material on the early heraldry, a glossary, index, etc. £50 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 21298 – or simply click on the button
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SCHLESINGER, Max, 1822-1881 : SAUNTERINGS IN AND ABOUT LONDON. London : Nathaniel Cooke, 1853. First edition in English of this amiable and much-quoted primary source on Victorian London. An acute overseas visitor shines a light on London street life, the London squares, life on the Thames, the London police, Newgate, the Post Office, the London of fogs and gaslight, the City, the Bank of England, Hyde Park, the haunts of fashion, the newspapers and periodicals, the theatres, and much else. Originally published as “Wanderungen durch London” (1852-1853) and here in a translation by Otto von Wenckstern (1819-1869), translator of Goethe, writer on slavery, the Schleswig-Holstein question, etc. £100 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45823 – or simply click on the button
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SEGG & CO., J.P. (John Philip) – publisher : LONDON AND FASHIONABLE RESORTS, (ILLUSTRATED) : A COMPLETE GUIDE TO THE PLACES OF AMUSEMENT, OBJECTS OF INTEREST, PARKS, CLUBS, MARKETS, DOCKS, LEADING HOTELS, AND ALSO A DIRECTORY ... London : J. P. Segg & Co., 1888. Seventeenth year of publication. An opulent guidebook to Victorian London, printed in purple and gold throughout, and concentrating on the world of privilege – editorial write-ups on the “leading houses” – Piesse & Lubin of New Bond Street for perfumes; Barkentin & Krall of Regent Street for jewellery; advertisements for silks and champagnes; for luxury travel by train or steamship; the best hotels; write-ups for the best resorts and hotels outside London – Brighton, Bournemouth, Eastbourne, etc. There is also an illustrated “Album of Operatic, Dramatic, and Musical Celebrities” – portraits of Ellen Terry, Lily Langtry, and the rest. The guide had been published since 1872, initially by Henry Herbert, but ownership had now passed to a slightly mysterious Greek dentist-cum-advertising-contractor (and later cinema owner) named George Eustace Skliros – for both of whom see my “Victorian Opulence” post of 18th October 2018 on the “Bookhunter on Safari” blog. SOLD | |
[SERRES DE LA TOUR, Alphonse-Joseph de, 1740?-1790?] : LONDRES ET SES ENVIRONS, OU GUIDE DES VOYAGEURS, CURIEUX ET AMATEURS DANS CETTE PARTIE DE L’ANGLETERRE ... Paris : Chez Buisson, 1788. First edition. A charming eighteenth-century illustrated French guide to London from a journalist and refugee who had absconded to London with the aristocratic wife of his employer. Serres de la Tour includes chapters on the character of the people, the London way of life, the antiquity, the extent, the principal buildings in turn, the Thames, the hospitals, societies, institutions, markets, spectacles and amusements, the post, the taverns and cafes, etc. In an unusual feature at this date, the second volume comprises an alphabetical dictionary of the smaller towns and villages of the London area (from Abbots Langley to Windsor), with descriptions of each, this followed by notes on the principal English towns elsewhere, from Bath to York. As Adams points out, the folding plates are “larger and more handsome than those usually found in a duodecimo volume. They ... seem not to be associated with any British prints of the period. Most view the buildings at an unusually oblique angle and include ... much architectural detail”. £400 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 34502 – or simply click on the button
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SINCLAIR, William Macdonald, 1850-1917 : MEMORIALS OF ST. PAUL’S CATHEDRAL. London : Chapman & Hall, 1909. First edition. A substantial history of St. Paul’s from the earliest times, with additional material on the organists, the library, Paul’s Cross, the memorials, etc., and extensive quotation from the diary of Robert Green, Dean’s Verger from 1852 to 1900, on life in the nineteenth century cathedral. With illustrations by Louis Weirter. £40 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 21324 – or simply click on the button
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[STEPNEY & HACKNEY : ACT OF PARLIAMENT] : ANNO VICESIMO PRIMO GEORGII III. REGIS. CAP. LXXIII. AN ACT FOR DIMINISHING THE FEES PAYABLE, AND ALTERING THE MODE OF PROCEEDING, IN THE COURT OF RECORD WITHIN THE MANORS OF STEPNEY AND HACKNEY, IN THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, THE HAMLETS AND LIBERTIES OF THE SAME. London : by Charles Eyre and William Strahan, 1781. An act modifying and regulating the special arrangements for the collection and enforcement of claims for small debts which obtained in Stepney and Hackney, which were made more complicated by virtue of the fact that the inhabitants were “very numerous, and very many of them indigent sailors and seafaring men, who for the most part of their lives were at sea, and in the King’s service on the high sea, and also were many times employed in the mercantile affairs of the King’s subjects in parts beyond the seas”. Details arrangements and duties stewards, the appearance of defendants, the mode of trial, collection, payment by instalments, appeals, juries, witnesses, final verdicts, fees payable, perjury, etc. £25 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45452 – or simply click on the button
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STOKES, Alfred, 1872-1943 : EAST HAM : FROM VILLAGE TO CORPORATE TOWN. London : for the Author, by Wilson & Whitworth, (1920). First edition. A presentation copy, inscribed and signed by the author. An extensive and unusually detailed history, particularly strong on the late nineteenth and early twentieth-century corporate history. Stokes, originally a house-builder and estate agent, was chairman of the public health committee in 1918 and to become mayor of East Ham in 1921. £40 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45204 – or simply click on the button
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STONIER, G.W. (George Walter), 1903-1985 : ROUND LONDON WITH THE UNICORN. London : Turnstile Press, (1951). First and sole edition. A whimsical London guide – a mixture of essays, visits, prose poems and "cockney idylls" – delightfully illustrated by Lynton Lamb. £20 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 25202 – or simply click on the button
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“STRUTHER, Jan” – [ANSTRUTHER, Joyce, 1901-1953] : SYCAMORE SQUARE AND OTHER VERSES. London : Methuen & Co., (1932). First edition. The author of “Mrs Miniver” with ten poems, including “The Muffin Man”, relating to a quiet and small London square, followed by ten on the London telephone districts, Avenue, Frobisher, Gulliver, Mayfair, Victoria, etc., and a further eight whimsical pieces on contemporary topics. Illustrated throughout with great charm by Ernest H. Shepard. £15 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 37341 – or simply click on the button
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“SYNTAX, Dr.” : THE TOUR OF DOCTOR SYNTAX THROUGH LONDON, OR THE PLEASURES AND MISERIES OF THE METROPOLIS. A POEM BY DOCTOR SYNTAX. London : J. Johnston, 1820. “Third edition” – i.e. a fresh impression of the original 1820 publication. The naive and pedantic “Doctor Syntax, learned sage, The pride and glory of the age” – with a series of comical adventures and mainly misadventures in London – an anonymous revival of this fictional character first invented by William Combe, but here set against some highly recognisable London scenes. The tale commences with Syntax and his wife Dolly poring over a map of London at the tea-table; arrival at the White Horse in Fetter Lane; robbed in St. Giles; behind the scenes at the opera; at a masquerade; rehearsing his play; in Hyde Park; at the Royal Academy; to Richmond by river; at Vauxhall Gardens; overboard at London Bridge; at the House of Commons; in a gambling den; at St. Paul’s; at the Bank of England; presented at Court to the Prince Regent; and the fate of the play, etc. £250 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 39616 – or simply click on the button
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TANSWELL, John, 1800-1864 : THE HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF LAMBETH. London : Frederick Pickton, 1858. First edition. A thorough account of the parish, with individual chapters offering a general survey; the history of the manors of Lambeth, Kennington, Vauxhall, Stockwell and Levehurst; Lambeth Palace; the archbishops; the churches; the rectors; the monuments and epitaphs; the older and more important buildings, and remarkable events, with appendices on the subsidy rolls, the charities, etc. £100 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 43307 – or simply click on the button
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THORNBURY, Walter, 1828-1876 : HAUNTED LONDON. London : Hurst & Blackett, 1865. First edition. “This book deals not so much with the London of the ghost-stories ... as with the London consecrated by manifold traditions – a city every street and alley of which teems with interesting associations, every paving-stone of which marks, as it were, the abiding-place of some ancient legend or biographical story; in short this London of the present haunted by the memories of the past”. With separate chapters on Charing Cross, Drury Lane, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, Long Acre, St. Giles, St. Martin’s Lane, the Savoy, Somerset House, the Strand, Temple Bar, etc., and a fund of out-of-the-way anecdote of Londoners past. £200 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45554 – or simply click on the button
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THORNE, James, 1815-1881 : HANDBOOK TO THE ENVIRONS OF LONDON, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED, CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF EVERY TOWN AND VILLAGE, AND OF ALL PLACES OF INTEREST, WITHIN A CIRCLE OF TWENTY MILES ROUND LONDON. London : John Murray, 1876. First edition. A very useful dictionary, based on personal visits, of what are now the London suburbs – from Abbey Wood to Yiewsley, with short histories, notes on the principal buildings, population figures, etc. “Until now ... there has been nothing approaching Mr. Thorne’s work in fulness of detail or convenience of arrangement. If Londoners remain any longer ignorant of the many attractive spots that are still to be found just beyond their own doors, it will not be for want of pleasant and trustworthy guidance” (Pall Mall Gazette, 16th February 1877). £100 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45414 – or simply click on the button
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TIMBS, John, 1801-1875 : CURIOSITIES OF LONDON : EXHIBITING THE MOST RARE AND REMARKABLE OBJECTS OF INTEREST IN THE METROPOLIS ... London : David Bogue, 1855. First edition. The final realisation of an idea first hatched in 1828 – an encyclopaedic dictionary of London – from the Adelphi to the Zoological Gardens – mixing the “entertaining and anecdotic” with “social statistics and other Great Facts”. Compiled by John Timbs F.S.A., author, journalist and antiquary. As “agreeable a book as you could wish to meet with. There is so much out-of-the-way reading in it – such apt introduction of personal experience” (The Examiner, 5th May 1855). £125 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 42463 – or simply click on the button
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TIMBS, John, 1801-1875 : CURIOSITIES OF LONDON : EXHIBITING THE MOST RARE AND REMARKABLE OBJECTS OF INTEREST IN THE METROPOLIS : WITH NEARLY SIXTY YEARS’ PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS. London : Virtue & Co., [1876]. New edition, corrected and enlarged. An invaluable encyclopaedic dictionary of London – from the Adelphi to the Zoological Gardens, with articles on topics (alchemists, aldermen, almshouses, amusements, artesian wells, etc.) as well as places – mixing the “entertaining and anecdotic” with “social statistics and other Great Facts”. Originally published in small octavo in 1855, but here updated (to 1867), enlarged and expanded, “improved, it is hoped, in the value of its contents, as well as increased in bulk”. Compiled by John Timbs F.S.A., author, journalist and antiquary. £200 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45727 – or simply click on the button
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TIMBS, John, 1801-1875 : ROMANCE OF LONDON: STRANGE STORIES, SCENES AND REMARKABLE PERSONS OF THE GREAT TOWN. London : Richard Bentley, 1865. First edition. “From the building of the first bridge at London to the startling incident of a few days since” – the history of London in highly entertaining story and anecdote, with sections of Historic Sketches; Remarkable Duels; Notorious Highwaymen; Rogueries, Crimes and Punishments; Love and Marriage; Supernatural Stories; Sights and Shows, and Public Amusements; Strange Adventures and Catastrophes; Remarkable Persons; and Miscellanous. “The indefatigable prince of compilers has once more plied his industrious scissors to good purpose” (Illustrated London News, 24th June 1865). £250 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45770 – or simply click on the button
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TRELOAR, Sir William Purdie, 1843-1923 : WILKES AND THE CITY. London : John Murray, 1917. First edition. An engaging and well-researched life of one Lord Mayor of London – the turbulent and magnificent John Wilkes (1725-1797) – by one of his successors in that office. Duels, the “North Briton”, general warrants, habeas corpus, expulsions from the Commons, the Middlesex elections, the mayoralty and all the rest. £25 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 43426 – or simply click on the button
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WALFORD, Edward, 1823-1897 : GREATER LONDON : A NARRATIVE OF ITS HISTORY, ITS PEOPLE, AND ITS PLACES. London : Cassell & Co., [1884]. First edition in book form. A sequel to the highly popular “Old and New London”, compiled jointly by Walford and C. W. Thornbury. A circular tour round Chiswick, Ealing, Twickenham, Shepperton, Staines, Hillingdon, Uxbridge, Ruislip, Harrow, Barnet, Chigwell, Ilford, Dagenham, Woolwich, Sidcup, Bromley, Beckenham, Croydon, Epsom, Kingston, Richmond, Wimbledon and all the towns and villages between. Heavily illustrated with some 400 wood-engravings, including many images of buildings and villages never previously depicted. First published serially between 1882 and 1884. £200 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 31702 – or simply click on the button
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WALKER, R.J.B. (Richard John Boileau), 1916-2010 : OLD WESTMINSTER BRIDGE : THE BRIDGE OF FOOLS. Newton Abbot : David & Charles, (1979). First edition. A fine and detailed study of the extraordinary events – faction, feud and controversy – surrounding the building of the first Westminster Bridge in the mid eighteenth century. With much on Antonio Canaletto, Sir Henry Fielding, Richard Graham, Nicholas Hawksmoor, Andrews Jelfe, Charles Labelye, Batty Langley, Thomas Lediard, etc. £20 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 21326 – or simply click on the button
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WHEATLEY, Henry B. (Henry Benjamin), 1838-1917 : LONDON PAST AND PRESENT : ITS HISTORY, ASSOCIATIONS, AND TRADITIONS. London : John Murray, 1891. First edition. A monumental dictionary of London from the well-known Abbey Road, and Abbey Street, Bermondsey, to the Yorkshire Stingo and the Zoo. “There is scarcely an unregarded, shabby-genteel street in Bloomsbury, or Chelsea, or Clerkenwell which has not its shred of history or literature connected with it” (London Evening Standard, 5th February 1891). Ostensibly based on Peter Cunningham’s “Handbook of London” (1849), but so far extended and updated as to be essentially a new work. £300 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 45437 – or simply click on the button
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WILLIAMS, Montagu (Montagu Stephen), 1835-1892 : ROUND LONDON : DOWN EAST AND UP WEST. London : Macmillan & Co., 1892. [Second edition]. Montagu Williams Q.C., leading barrister, known in the East End as “the poor man’s magistrate”, and variously schoolmaster, soldier, actor, dramatist and journalist, with a fine series of lively essays (all based on true stories) portraying life across Victorian London – down east with East End Shows, Match Girls, Sclater Street Birds, Griddlers or Street Singers, the London Hospital, Clerkenwell Green, Ratcliff Highway, Sunday at the East End (including cricket in Bethnal Green), Burglarious Bill, From the East End to Ramsgate, etc. – and up west with Climbing the Ladder (enter plutocracy), Descending the Ladder, Modern Stockbrokers, Huckstering Hymen (the marriage market), the Company Promoter, Things Theatrical, Covent Garden, Floss & Floss (lawyers), the Road to Ruin, Moneylenders, Talent in Tatters, and the London Season. With a preface by Charles Dickens Jr. £40 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 36621 – or simply click on the button
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WILLIS, Frederick : A BOOK OF LONDON YESTERDAYS. London : Phoenix House, (1960). First edition. Reminiscence of ordinary Londoners before the Great War from the broadcaster and journalist – “a reconstruction, based on my experience, of the life lived by the Little Man who crowded the streets, the trains, the buses, and trams; who applauded Irving and Ellen Terry, Dan Leno and Marie Lloyd ... He was as obscure as the other side of the moon, and the only time he got his name in the papers was in the casualty list of the first world war ...”. With an introduction by Herbert Morrison. £20 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 42866 – or simply click on the button
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WILSON, Aubrey, 1923-2009 : LONDON’S INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE. Newton Abbot : David & Charles, (1967). First edition : the Readers’ Union issue, with its stickers on dust-jacket and title-page. An extraordinary pictorial record – with stunning photographs by Joseph McKeown (1925-2007) – of a lost landscape: a sewer gas lamp off the Strand; a pottery kiln in Kensington; a candle factory in Battersea; food-drying kilns in Lambeth; a margarine factory in Southall; a sealing-wax factory in Bermondsey; snuff mills at Morden; the Camden Town catacombs, and dozens of other relics of a once great hub of manufacturing. £25 To purchase, call us or e-mail us at quoting stock number 43480 – or simply click on the button
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